The pickleball tournament and summer social are happening next weekend on Sat, July 6th! If you want to participate in the pickleball tournament, you must RSVP by Mon, Jul 1 to Barry Krangle at bkrangle@sd46.bc.ca or 604-989-8905. The tournament will start at 11:00 am at Pender Harbour High School and will be a round robin format. Pickleball should wrap up around 2:00 pm.

After the tournament, the fun will keep on going at the summer social. Geoff Bell, new SLSBC president is hosting the social. His cabin – pictured above – is in Square Bay. The social will start at 4 pm on Saturday, 6th. Please bring an appetizer and we will provide drinks, hamburgers, and hotdogs. There is no need to RSVP for the social – just show up! This is always a fun event and a great way to connect with old and new friends. It’s going to be a great way to start the summer!