Summer events are in full swing! We still have a few more great events for this summer. The Canada Day party was perfectly planned around the rain, everyone looked great in their red and white colors! Thanks again to the Saunders/Cameron families who hosted the event, their hospitality was greatly appreciated. Fireworks and the singing of O Canada were some of the highlights.
Events still to come:
Karina Nowlan’s 2nd clinic – August 10-12th. Now full.
SLSBC Annual Ski/board/surf Competition – Saturday, August 18th. Everyone is invited to participate and help out. There will be a barbeque and awards ceremony after the surf competition. If you would like to volunteer please email
We always enjoy having these great instructors come up to lake but we do need families to host these instructors. There are usually great benefits in hosting the instructors as you may get some added tips and instruction, plus they are just great people to hang out with! Please email if you would like to host on one of these weekends, without hosts we can not bring up these fantastic instructors.
You can sign up online for the above clinics, please do so before the date. Go to and click on “Clinics” to sign up online.