New Exec and Start of Summer Events
The SLSBC has a new president and treasurer! Geoff Bell will replace Niki Boyd and Bev McGurk as the new president of SLSBC. Steve Vertes will replace Bev McGurk as treasurer. Geoff and Steve were voted in at the AGM and we are so excited to have them on board. Thanks so much to Bev McGurk for all her years of running the club and managing the finances! Niki Boyd will stay on as part of the exec as Director of Communications. For an overview of SLSBC summer events, take a look at the 2024 SLSBC newsletter, which can be accessed here.
The first event of the summer will be on Saturday, Jul 6th. Barry Krangle is organizing a pickleball tournament at Pender Harbour High School from 11:00 am – 2pm. If you are interested in participating, you must RSVP by Monday, Jul 1st to or 604-989-8905. Thanks to Barry for putting this fun event together!
Following the pickleball tournament, we will have our summer social at the Bell Cottage – this is the A-frame cottage on the point in Square Bay. The social will start at 4 pm on Saturday, July 6th.
Finally, if you are interested in improving your skiing, or are interested in trying foiling or barefooting, Gregg Halloway has very generously offered to help. Gregg is a patient and encouraging coach, give him a call (606 988 6098) if you’d like to take advantage of this kind offer!
Read More2024 Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting will be held this Monday, June 3rd starting at 7:30 pm via Zoom. This will be an important to attend as we will be voting on new Directors and Executive members, and discussing future directions for the club. We will keep the meeting brief and will recap the discussion at the summer social.
The zoom link to attend this meeting is:
Meeting ID: 690 4725 1841
Password: 445443
You can also join by telephone: at 1-833-955-1088
The meeting agenda is below:
- Introduction
- Changes to Executive
- Changes to Club Directors
- Financial Update
- Fees Update
- Insurance Update
- Club Activities Update
- Social Update
- Clinic Update
- Concert Update
- Tournament Update
- Clothing and Swag Update
- Dock and Course Update
Happy Victoria Day Weekend!
It’s the unofficial start of the summer. I know many of you will be enjoying this weekend at the lake and are looking forward to the months ahead. Here’s a quick update of some summer events to put in your calendar and where things are at with the SLSBC. The newsletter will be posted in June.
New SLSBC President and Treasurer!
The SLSBC has a new president! Geoff Bell has graciously stepped up to fill this position. Steve Vertes has also generously offered to take on the role of SLSBC Treasurer. Many of you already know Geoff and Steve and if you don’t, you will surely get to know this summer. We are so excited to have them fill these roles and they will definitely do a super job of handling club activities moving forward. Bev McGurk is stepping down as both co-President and Treasurer. She has done a fabulous job in her role over the last few years and will be helping with the transition. Niki Boyd will continue heading club communications but will no longer be co-president.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held over zoom this year. The date for the meeting will be the evening of Mon, June 3rd. More details will follow. This will be an important meeting to attend as we will be voting on changes in exec and future direction of the club.
Summer Social
The summer social will be held on July 6th. Details will follow but plan for a mid afternoon event. As the AGM will be virtual this year, the summer social will be an opportunity discuss club events for the summer and future plans in person.
Summer Concert
This is the event of the summer. The Marwills will be returning to Sakinaw Lake on July 27!
The SLSBC Annual Tournament will be on Aug 17th.
Waterski Camps
There are no clinics currently planned for Sakinaw Lake this summer. However, with a full SLSBC membership, you can participate in other waterski camps held through Waterski Wakeboard BC. The Vancouver Waterski Club is running a kids camp for ages 6-14 in Deep Cove between July 2-5 (8:30 am – 4:30 pm) with transport provided daily to the from. If you are interested in this camp, send an email to and I can send you more information. The poster for this camp is below.
Thanks and have a great long weekend!
Read MoreMemories of Summer….
Sorry for the delay in posting this! Here is a recap of this year’s tournament. A huge thank-you to Gord Cameron for organizing the tournament thus year and every year, Trina Campbell for getting us T-shirts, and Garth and Cara for taking photos!
Waterski Competition
U16 Girls (3/4 course): 2nd place to Avrie Martin (15 off, 6 @ 30mph, 1 at 32mph), 1st place to Ruby Boyd (28 off, 6 @ 30mph).
U16 Boys (3/4 course): Tied for 3rd place: Oliver Mitchell, Theo Mitchell, Myles McInnes. 2nd place to Kieran Boyd (15 off, 2@32 mph). 1st place to Cole Harris (28 off, 6 @ 34mph).
U16 Boys (full course): First place: Jack Harris (15 off, 6@32 mph, 2@34 mph).
Women’s Open: First place: Niki Boyd.
Men’s Open (3/4 course): 2nd place: John Boyd. 1st place: Larry Van Hatten (22 off, 6@32 mph).
Men’s Open (full course): Tied for third place: Garth Johnson and Mark Aplas. 2nd place: Chris Saunders (15 off, 2@32mph). 1st place: Gord Cameron (15 off, 4@34mph).
Awards for crashes: Mark Aplas and Avrie Martin
We had a total of 17 skiers this year (10 under 16, 7 adults). A massive thank-you to our amazing driver, Ryan McNeill and generous use of boat from Cindy Dekker. Thank-you to our pick up drivers, Gregg Halloway and Eric Martin. And our formidable and always fair judge, Barry Krangle.
Surf Competition
U16 Girls: 3rd place: Ruby Boyd. 2nd place: Chloe Veryes and Mila Malinousky. 1st place: Sutton van Dyk.
U16 Boys: Sorry – details are missing! But below is a pic of the winners!
Women: 3rd place: Carly McGurk and Caitlin Dunne. 2nd place: Coral Newell. 1st place: Jesse Newell.
Men: 3rd place: Pete Newell. 2nd place: Steve Vertes. 1st place: Geoff Bell.
Thank-you to Geoff Bell for being the driver and lending his boat, Mark Aplas for judging, and Ted McGurk for driving the pickup boat!
Thanks also to Val and Harry Dion for barbecuing, the Camerons for getting the food, Ken Johnston, Gord Cameron, and Barry Krangle for acting as masters of ceremony, and also to Kits Beach Beer and Oat of the Ordinary for providing beer and oats on tournament day! Here are some of the great pics from Gord and Cara!
WSWBC Camp and Membership Fees – Changes
To make it easier to attend the WSWBC camp, we are offering a modified schedule for participants. Since hanging out on the dock all day might be too much, we are reducing the amount of time each skier is at the dock. Instead of being there for full days, participants will be broken into two groups of 3-4 skiers, and will ski either in the morning OR afternoon only (approximately 8am – 11:00 am OR 11:00 am-2:00 pm). Of course, there can be flexibility with some arriving a little later and leaving earlier. The goal is to have minimal down time with the coach never having to wait for kids to arrive. We hope that this makes it easier for people to attend these sessions.
Skiers who sign up will still get three sets of skiing or trick skiing each day for three days. One set of waterskiing is about six passes on the slalom course, or 15-20 minutes of trick skiing. The skiers will do their sets in sequence: if there are three participants, the first skier will complete their first set and then rest for approximately 30-40 minutes while the second and third skiers do their first sets. While resting, skiers can hang out with other participants on the dock or in the water (swimming, paddleboarding, kayaking etc.), play games, have a snack, or ride in the boat to watch other skiers. This gives the kids a chance to get to know each other and bond. Kids who sign up for the camp can also bring friends to keep them company on the dock (but not participate in the camp). After the first set, skiers will move into second and third sets.
The camp costs $100 per day ($300 total) and can open the door to competitions such as the BC Summer Games (held in Maple Ridge in 2024) and the Provincials (held in Kamloops this summer). If you are interested in registering, email or call Crystal at 250-462-1428. Registration deadline is June 12 and the camp requires a minimum of eight participants to run. Full camp information is available here.
Membership Fees
SLSBC has raised membership fees this year to cover increased costs. We have raised prices by $10-$25 per year, depending on membership category. Please purchase your memberships here. Full members (family $170 or single $90) can participate in all SLSBC events, including the tournament and clinics and receive membership to WSWBC which includes reduced boat insurance rates. Social members can participate in all social activities and can attend the tournament, but cannot compete. This summer, we will have our summer social on July 8th and the outdoor concert on July 29th. We will also have a second concert on Aug 5th – details to follow! If you enjoy these concerts, we would love to have your support so please donate! If you haven’t checked out the SLSBC newsletter, you can find it here.
Read MoreAnnual General Meeting and Newsletter
What a beautiful start to the summer!
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The long weekend is a few days away and we will be holding our AGM on Sunday, May 21st at 2PM at the McGurk cabin. Thanks to Bev and Ted for hosting us…again! We’ll give you an update on the club and let you know what we have planned for this season. The McGurk cabin is located in Square Bay – indicated by the yellow pin on the map above. Look for the yellow umbrellas on their upper deck. There is limited boat parking, so bring smaller boats and come with your neighbours if you can.
Bring an appy to share and your beverage of choice. If you know anyone that might like to join the Sakinaw Lake Ski & Board Club, bring them along – we’d like to meet them! We hope to see you all at the AGM!
MEMBERSHIPS: We are in the process of adjusting our membership fees. They will be increasing this year to account for changes in insurance costs. Once we have this finalized, we will update members. Please wait until we have updated membership costs to buy your membership. If you have already purchased your membership, we will be in touch once we have new costs.
NEWSLETTER: The Sakinaw Lake Ski & Board Club 2023 is available! Summer events are listed, including social events, camps, and the tournament. Details can be found in the newsletter here.
Your SLSBC Executive Team
Read MoreHappy Easter!
I hope everyone has had a great fall and winter and is looking forward to spending time at the lake in the upcoming months. We have a few things planned already with more in the works.
Annual General Meeting
The SLSBC annual general meeting will be held at the McGurk cabin on Sun, May 21 at 2 pm. It will be a potluck so please bring an appetizer/dessert/snack if you are attending, The McGurk cabin is in Square Bay and is the one with the yellow umbrellas. It is a boat access cabin so boat parking is limited – bring a smaller boat if possible or try and come with neighbours. See the image of the map below for location.
Summer Social
The summer social will be held on July 8th at 2 pm. Bev and Larry Van Hatten have generously offered to host. This will also be a potluck event. The Van Hatten cabin can be accessed by boat or road and is located south of the boat launch. If driving, the address is 14837 Sunshine Coast Highway and it is the first driveway after leaving Sakinaw Lake Road – follow signs to Van Hatten. If you are coming by boat, be mindful of limited boat parking.
On the map below, the McGurk cabin is indicated by the yellow pin and the VanHatten cabin is indicated by the blue pin. For reference, the boat launch is shown with the orange pin and the waterski dock is the grey pin.
Waterski Camp from WSWBC – maybe?
Waterski Wake-sports BC (WSWBC) is interested in hosting a waterski camp at Sakinaw Lake. Are you interested? If there are enough people who want to participate, we can make this happen! As a first step, please fill out this survey. We will be collecting responses for this survey until May 5th.
These camps run for three days (Fri, Sat and Sun) and are geared towards ages 19 and under to develop and grow the sport of waterskiing in the province. WSWBC would provide coaches and the camps would run from morning until mid afternoon with about eight participants. Participants would work on their waterskiing and also learn how to use trick skis. We would love to benefit from this opportunity so fill out the survey and let us know your thoughts!
Thanks and have a great long weekend!
Read MoreSLSBC Update
What a great start to summer. Tessa’s clinic was awesome and lots of fun despite the rainy Sunday. And it was great to see so many people at the social on Saturday.
Unfortunately, we have to cancel the July 9-10 Boardroom Demo weekend. We are going to try and reschedule for later in the summer and if not this summer, we will try for next summer.
Read MoreIt’s Summer!
Happy summer solstice everyone! School is out (or almost out) and the lake is about to get a lot busier. In the spirit of being a good lake neighbour, we have put together some ‘lake etiquette’ tips:
- avoid driving too close to people’s docks
- drive slowly when close to shore
- avoid activities (e.g. tubing and surfing) that churn up the calm morning water until after 10 am
- drive in straight lines when waterskiing
A link to the full document is here. A while back, we also put together tips on boat driving that can be found here. Finally, we want to be more proactive about fixing the ski courses or docks – if you notice any issues with either please email
July 2-3 Clinic: The first weekend clinic is SOLD OUT! If you missed your chance to sign up or want to more chances to improve your techniques, there will be a second clinic coming up Aug 6-7. We are lucky enough to have BC Junior team members, Christopher and Jonathan Horwood, who won gold and silver at the 2021 Canadian Nationals, coming to Sakinaw Lake. Stay tuned for more information and details on how to sign up for this clinic in the next few weeks.
July 2 SUMMER SOCIAL: We are having our first summer social since 2018! Meet up with folks around the lake and start the summer off right. This will be held at the McGurk cabin in Square Bay (with the yellow umbrellas) on Sat, Jul 2. Festivities will begin at 2 pm. Please bring an appy with you and we will provide drinks, hamburgers, and hotdogs. We are looking for volunteers to grill and are also need an additional BBQ – if you can help with either please email us at
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