A Big Start to Summer – Clinics and a Social!

We are so excited to be having two big events over the Jul 2-3 weekend. Tessa Campbell will be running her clinic once again with sessions running from 7am-11 am on Saturday and Sunday mornings (Jul 2 and Jul 3). Tessa is fantastic and can help all levels with waterskiing or wakeboarding. What a great way to start the season and get excited for the summer! And if you have kids, this is a fantastic opportunity to get them on the water! The clinic cost is $80 for two 30 minute sessions. We will provide both a ski boat and driver, so you just have to bring yourself and your gear. The are just a handful of spots left, so don’t wait to sign up if you’re interested! Remember, to participate in this clinic, you must purchase a full membership (single of family) and sign an adult waiver or a family waiver. We are also working to organize a second clinic in August with some Canadian National champs, so stay tuned for more information on that.

The second event will be the Summer Social. Once again, the McGurk’s have stepped up to host. The McGurk cabin is the one with the yellow umbrellas in Square Bay. The social will be at 2 pm on Sat, Jul 2. Please bring an appy with you and we will provide drinks and hamburgers and/or hotdogs. This is a great chance tp reconnect with old friends around the lake and make some new ones. And another great chance for people with kids to connect with other families around the lake. Email us at info@slsbc.ca if you have any questions about the clinic, social or anything else.