It’s the unofficial start of the summer. I know many of you will be enjoying this weekend at the lake and are looking forward to the months ahead. Here’s a quick update of some summer events to put in your calendar and where things are at with the SLSBC. The newsletter will be posted in June.
New SLSBC President and Treasurer!
The SLSBC has a new president! Geoff Bell has graciously stepped up to fill this position. Steve Vertes has also generously offered to take on the role of SLSBC Treasurer. Many of you already know Geoff and Steve and if you don’t, you will surely get to know this summer. We are so excited to have them fill these roles and they will definitely do a super job of handling club activities moving forward. Bev McGurk is stepping down as both co-President and Treasurer. She has done a fabulous job in her role over the last few years and will be helping with the transition. Niki Boyd will continue heading club communications but will no longer be co-president.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held over zoom this year. The date for the meeting will be the evening of Mon, June 3rd. More details will follow. This will be an important meeting to attend as we will be voting on changes in exec and future direction of the club.
Summer Social
The summer social will be held on July 6th. Details will follow but plan for a mid afternoon event. As the AGM will be virtual this year, the summer social will be an opportunity discuss club events for the summer and future plans in person.
Summer Concert
This is the event of the summer. The Marwills will be returning to Sakinaw Lake on July 27!
The SLSBC Annual Tournament will be on Aug 17th.
Waterski Camps
There are no clinics currently planned for Sakinaw Lake this summer. However, with a full SLSBC membership, you can participate in other waterski camps held through Waterski Wakeboard BC. The Vancouver Waterski Club is running a kids camp for ages 6-14 in Deep Cove between July 2-5 (8:30 am – 4:30 pm) with transport provided daily to the from. If you are interested in this camp, send an email to info@slsbc.ca and I can send you more information. The poster for this camp is below.

Thanks and have a great long weekend!