Hello SLSBC members,
The season got off to a great start with Karina Nowlan and the boys from the Boardroom at the lake July 10th -12th. Karina’s clinic was sold out right at the last minute, thanks to all the participants! We have had some great feedback, everyone enjoyed the clinic and we even had some new personal bests!
The Boardroom brought some amazing equipment for the lake to try, the weather did not seem to dampen people’s experience. Remember you can still get great deals from the Boardroom on West 4th in Vancouver or on Lonsdale in North Vancouver. Just mention you are a member of the club and you will receive a 20% discount.
The next clinic is Cove watersports, they will be here to teach wakeboarding, skiing, and surfing. Please sign up right away to make sure you get your spot. Please register here.
The clinic is Friday, July 24th – Sunday, July 26th.
We require a host family for Liam, please email info@slsbc.ca We also require people that are signing up for the clinics to volunteer their boat and some driving time. Please let us know if you are able to help out.
Your SLSBC Executive Team