It’s the day after Labour Day, the unofficial end of the summer. Prizes for the Guess Where? contest have all been distributed (thanks to Barry!). The champions of this contest: the Halloway and Leduc families. Thank-you to Pender Harbour High School and Chara Krangle for the great prizes.

The weekly photo contests were so much fun and thanks to all those who submitted videos and photos. Here’s a look back at the winning entries:

It was great to see so many great pics throughout the summer. Here’s a look back on what was submitted. There are some super videos that Chris Saunders put together, but I can’t download these so you will have to check out the Facebook page to see these!
Week 1 Posts:

Week 2 Posts: Just the winner – Genevieve Hassan!
Week 3 Posts:

Week 4 Posts:

Week 5 Posts:

Week 6 Posts:

Week 7 Posts:

Week 8 Posts:

Have a great fall! Looking forward to getting back to regular ski activities next summer!