We’re Back!

Hello members,

After a year-long hiatus, we’re excited to announce the Sakinaw Lake Ski & Board Club is back for 2018!

First of all, as we recently announced, Ken Johnston is stepping down as President. I’d like to sincerely thank Ken for all the work he put into the club over the past 7 years. Many of our events take a lot of effort to plan and organize, and Ken has contributed a considerable amount of time and energy to ensure they happen. Also Ken has offered to remain as Past President while we transition to a new executive. Thanks Ken!

Ken has graciously nominated me for President, and Genevieve Hassan, Niki Boyd, and Barry Krangle have all volunteered to step up to the executive. As this is your club, we hope to see all of you at our AGM this spring to vote in the new executive for 2018.

With our new additions to the club executive, we’re excited to be planning events for this summer. This club exists for the benefit of all of you, our members, so let us know what you’d like to see for 2018. Lessons? Socials? And as its only through all of your support that this club exists, if you’re willing to help with events, please let us know.

We plan to hold the AGM on the May long weekend, so stay tuned for details, and we hope to see you all there.


Andrew Ames