Summer Update

Summer events are in full swing!  We still have a few more great events for this summer.  The Canada Day party was perfectly planned around the rain, everyone looked great in their red and white colors!  Thanks again to the Saunders/Cameron families who hosted the event, their hospitality was greatly appreciated.  Fireworks and the singing of O Canada were some of the highlights.

Events still to come:

Karina Nowlan’s 2nd clinic – August 10-12th.  Now full.

SLSBC Annual Ski/board/surf Competition – Saturday, August 18th.  Everyone is invited to participate and help out.  There will be a barbeque and awards ceremony after the surf competition.  If you would like to volunteer please email

We always enjoy having these great instructors come up to lake but we do need families to host these instructors.  There are usually great benefits in hosting the instructors as you may get some added tips and instruction, plus they are just great people to hang out with!  Please email if you would like to host on one of these weekends, without hosts we can not bring up these fantastic instructors.

You can sign up online for the above clinics, please do so before the date.  Go to and click on “Clinics” to sign up online.

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Ski and Board Club Merchandise 2012

Here are the choices for this years ski and board club merchandise.

All orders must be placed by July 22th for first printing. Please have a look at both attachments and go shopping!

2012Clothing Order Form
More 2Sakinaw Pricing
2Sakinaw Lake

The new logo will be printed on some merchandise and embroidered on others, depending on what looks best.

Fill out the attached order form and send back to or you can visit Trina Campbell at Sakinaw Lake in Bear Bay (look for the Campbell’s soup can).

Most items of clothing come in blue, pink, yellow, black ,white, navy &  green.
If the catalogue doesn’t show it you can call and ask Trina 604 551-2073

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Ski Clinics and Demos!

Karina Nowlan clinic this weekend, July 6th – 8th.  Spots are still available, please sign up on the site under clinics or email

KarinaNowlanKarina will take your skiing to the next level.  Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced skier, Karina will help you improve.

HO Watersports is also doing demo days this weekend, July 6th- 8th, please drop by Chris Saunders cabin to pick up some gear to try on the water.  There will be great deals, this is the time to buy your equipment.  Skis, wakeboards, wakesurf, ropes, suits, everything you need to get ready for the season.

Let HO pick out your equipment and let Karina show you how to use it!

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Summer Social

The Sakinaw Lake Ski and Board Club annual social barbeque date and location has been set!
It will be held Sunday, July 1st, starting at 5 pm, rain or shine (hopefully the latter). The Saunders and Camerons are co-hosting the event.

Since it will be Canada Day, the theme will be … (drumroll please) … you guessed it: A Canadian theme! Anything else would be just so un-patriotic . Whether you fancy red + white, hockey, beer, outdoors, etc., it’s easy and all good. So come celebrate with us and show off your best nationalistic pride.

SLSBC will supply the hamburgers, hot dogs, pop and water. BYOB and also please bring either an appetizer, salad or dessert.

Please RSVP to with the number of people in your party before June 26th so that we can plan accordingly. Thank you.

We look forward to seeing you!


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