Memories of Summer….

Sorry for the delay in posting this! Here is a recap of this year’s tournament. A huge thank-you to Gord Cameron for organizing the tournament thus year and every year, Trina Campbell for getting us T-shirts, and Garth and Cara for taking photos!
Waterski Competition

U16 Girls (3/4 course): 2nd place to Avrie Martin (15 off, 6 @ 30mph, 1 at 32mph), 1st place to Ruby Boyd (28 off, 6 @ 30mph).

U16 Boys (3/4 course): Tied for 3rd place: Oliver Mitchell, Theo Mitchell, Myles McInnes. 2nd place to Kieran Boyd (15 off, 2@32 mph). 1st place to Cole Harris (28 off, 6 @ 34mph).

U16 Boys (full course): First place: Jack Harris (15 off, 6@32 mph, 2@34 mph).

Women’s Open: First place: Niki Boyd.

Men’s Open (3/4 course): 2nd place: John Boyd. 1st place: Larry Van Hatten (22 off, 6@32 mph).
Men’s Open (full course): Tied for third place: Garth Johnson and Mark Aplas. 2nd place: Chris Saunders (15 off, 2@32mph). 1st place: Gord Cameron (15 off, 4@34mph).

Awards for crashes: Mark Aplas and Avrie Martin

We had a total of 17 skiers this year (10 under 16, 7 adults). A massive thank-you to our amazing driver, Ryan McNeill and generous use of boat from Cindy Dekker. Thank-you to our pick up drivers, Gregg Halloway and Eric Martin. And our formidable and always fair judge, Barry Krangle.
Surf Competition
U16 Girls: 3rd place: Ruby Boyd. 2nd place: Chloe Veryes and Mila Malinousky. 1st place: Sutton van Dyk.

U16 Boys: Sorry – details are missing! But below is a pic of the winners!

Women: 3rd place: Carly McGurk and Caitlin Dunne. 2nd place: Coral Newell. 1st place: Jesse Newell.

Men: 3rd place: Pete Newell. 2nd place: Steve Vertes. 1st place: Geoff Bell.

Thank-you to Geoff Bell for being the driver and lending his boat, Mark Aplas for judging, and Ted McGurk for driving the pickup boat!
Thanks also to Val and Harry Dion for barbecuing, the Camerons for getting the food, Ken Johnston, Gord Cameron, and Barry Krangle for acting as masters of ceremony, and also to Kits Beach Beer and Oat of the Ordinary for providing beer and oats on tournament day! Here are some of the great pics from Gord and Cara!